Down in the Dumpster

The residents of this magnificent, special, and beautiful ranch received an email this morning of someone who left their trash outside the dumpster because it was full. Strewn and scattered by animals, I wonder what else this person expected to happen. If the offender might be a reader of this site, shame on you, and please take better care of our pristine home.

I ventured down on Saturday for a large mail run with two large green bags of trash to discard. Alas, the dumpster was full, so I did two things:

1. Texted someone on the board to let them know it was full.

2. I brought my trash bags back home and put them back in my storage bin.

Not only is our ranch looking trashed, we now have an animal predisposed to hunt for food scraps, having gained such access. We also have members of this community who now have to literally walk along behind the offender and clean up their filth. We should treat our neighbors and friends with more dignity.

Please respect your Self, your neighbors, and this gorgeous place we are privileged to call home. If the dumpster is full, take your trash home or take it to Fort Garland. It is common sense and it seems silly to have to write that out as such.