I am sitting out here on my little mountain top (so many houses out here have their own ) reflecting upon the change a single year can bring. Location. Environment. Connection to the Earth. Connection to other humans. My eleventh month here, hard to believe, but true. I am changing, and this place is changing me, in a myriad of ways.
Thank you to the folks that texted when I wrote of my recent experience with darkness. Thank you to those that emailed kind words, genuine and heart felt. Thank you to those that called to chat about things, our park, and how you too feel we can do better here than ‘out there’. It touched me, makes me feel at home, and makes me wish to help my community in return.
Life will go on and will be just what it will be. We embrace the good, share the joy, and take time to appreciate this place we get to call home. We live with the rest, and practice being the best versions of ourselves that we can.