Rattle and Hum

Aging occurs to us all, but currently the old fridge has taken that phrase to a new level. That is all I call the old beast now: rattle and hum. It is quiet here, still in the mornings whereas I rise before daylight, before the birds, even before the old hound these days, but oh, rattle and hum is here, is she ever. A nice knock in the compressor and a double rattle in the freezer. It is time she goes away, kicking and banging amidst all the stillness.

The old boy is showing his age now. I am sure I am too, but this fellow has the on set of old age upon him. He sleeps, naps, dozes, and that’s all before breakfast. He has had a good run, part of my larger pack, and he deserves a restful retirement.

I feel the onset too… It is time to leave old things behind. Time to try the new that itches the spirit. Time to remind ourselves how precious life is. How terribly long death is. We need to pay attention, enjoy what is in front of us, and make the best of it the best we can. We need to experience it all, live it, and not forget how fleeting it all can be.

The old boy will be with me until the end. I promised him that since the day I got him – a full life, a relaxed, exercised existence, and a home until the end. Even after the end… this old boy will always be with me.