A Labor-less Day

The last week had been very productive so I took two of the three weekend days off. Simply off, as in no set tasks, but tinkering did occur. I had a lovely Saturday night with friends, some new, and a great meal of seafood here in the mountains. I also scored lots of elk sausages and an elk roast from a kind and generous man who was at the party.

There is a change in the weather, even if only at night this week, and winter will be approaching sooner than one might think. I am far more prepared than having just arrived last year. Chores that took until late October are already complete and it is a good feeling.

I have been asked by many if I have enough wood. I often reply I want too much wood. A wise man who has been here for many years replied, “There is no such thing as too much wood out here.”

The large irony wall heater has been extracted from the great room. Known to work until the weather gets cold, the thirty five year old box was retired and replaced with a new unit tuned for 8,000 feet efficiency, which was the best power free option I could find. It should be about 10-12% more efficient than the old unit. It is also on a digital thermostat which means no more low versus medium versus high dial as an estimate for overnight lows.

Two rounds of pressure canning this weekend yielded fourteen new jars of four kinds of meats now tucked away in the root cellar. Repeating the rituals from year last, without the hurried rush to ‘get enough’ tucked away, is a comforting task. I know what I need to eat, heat, and entertain myself and the dog. I know when I can switch off a need, knowing it is fulfilled for the long winter.

Experience, albeit only one season, feels a bit calmer in the center of my being. I have been here before. I have done this. I didn’t starve or get cold, so with more stores, and new gear, this should be a season to feel comfortable moving into.