The Win-Win Whiskey Wager

I am not much of a betting man, but I did make a wager on Saturday, one that seemingly is a win-win situation for this man.

There is a newly discovered whiskey here that we are raving about, and a bottle of such is the wager at hand. Shall we get snow by the end of the month was the question for the aforementioned prize.

I do not gamble, mainly for I am not very good at it, and in this case, it was a calculated bet. I do not want it to snow, so I bet that it would. With my odds? We will get no snow, and my only penalty shall be handing a friend a bottle of whiskey that, upon simply smelling it, made him salivate like a Pavlovian dog.

This morning, the forecast calls for a thirty percent chance of snow on the 30th so we shall see how the cool down shakes itself out. If it snows at the very very end of the month and that awards me whiskey?

For a man that does not gamble often, this is a pretty safe wager, regardless of the outcome.