The Great Reboot

It has been an interesting week in the ranch. I returned to the consulting world after a three month hiatus as a wandering man. I have been resettling from my recent revelations, and some interesting changes have occurred.

The consulting? Fully detached. I can now plug in, look around, consider, perform, suggest, guide, document, but I can fully disconnect when the clock says X. The work will be there tomorrow. It is a problem that needs solving, but it is not my problem and never will be my problem. It is one of the top five largest companies in the country, so regardless of what I may or may not do, they will be fine, they will survive, and they can readily find another to fill my niche, were it required.

Other than the few hours required on the work screen, life has been different. Disconnected from the outside world. It is music now, with no visuals and notably, no lyrics. No news. No talk shows. No podcasts…. no input other than my own. It is providing clarity I have lacked for some time.

We can lose ourselves in others’ input, whether it be a network conceived idea or the ranting of a man on the net. It is someone else’s idea. These ideas are crafted, formulated, written, produced, broadcast. And yes, I get to ingest it if I choose, but nothing about it, absolutely nothing, is mine. I am a passive recipient to their thoughts, ideas, beliefs, whims, sense of humor or angst. Nothing is mine.

At the moment, amidst the silliness, insanity, shift that is the shift that it is…. another moment to give thanks to the ranch. I know no other place like this. I can reformulate my thoughts on my own, as I need, without the expressions, positive or negative, from anyone else.

I give thanks to the universe for letting me find this place. For letting me experience this place. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Note that for which you are thankful, and celebrate it.