More like Dog, Less Like Cat!

Life can offer lessons anywhere if one is looking, and if one cares to acknowledge what is proffered. There was a dialog into the past last night, sharing with someone that knew a former version of me. A moment in time of an evolving being. The lenses of others might blur and fade over time, but they remain an honest reflection from the outside, if you are looking, and if you care to acknowledge what is proffered.

We filter ourselves in many ways, often to protect, sometimes to avoid, sometimes to simply hide. We filter others often for the same. Filters have value but it is worth noting that any valid system for such can get clogged, dirty, blocked from what is now incoming; if one is not static, how can be what one filters?

We learn as we go. If we can reflect on what was versus what is, then we are making our progress and doing our work. We will not be perfect, it isn’t possible or wise to seek such. We need to be pleased with our own growth, our own filters, freshly cleansed and examined if they need still exist.

This wise woman once showed me the true beauty of such. Leaving a meditation session she walked up to me in English-as-a-third-language succinctly stating “I must be more like dog. Less like cat!” She turned on the ball of her foot to immediately return to the session, the filter cleansed. Perfection!

So the lesson for the today is: clean your own filters. If you are a dog, be a dog. If you are a cat, consider the value of being so wary, but also be sure you are not about to choke on a fur ball.